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Vinegar Syndrome proudly presents the home video debut of Robert Flaxman and Daniel Goldman's portrait of regional filmmaking gone awry.
In the winter of 1974, a naive independent filmmaker based in Chicago found funding to make his first feature, to be titled "The Last Affair." The one stipulation mandated by his financial bakers was that the movie needed to include hardcore sex scenes. A LABOR OF LOVE documents the ensuing heart felt and earnest attempt to create an X rated movie. Between struggles with the cast and problems with crew and locations, the production forges on in a manner NBC News described as "A true human comedy" and Hadrian Belove of Cinefamily acclaimed as "a lost vérité masterpiece ... a movie-about-movies documentary classic."
Directors: Daniel Goldman, Robert Flaxman
Actors: Alex Boas, Henri Charbakshi, Robin Rutledge, Anna Welsh, Debbie Dan, Sissel Hansen
1975 / USA / 67 min / 1.85:1 / Color
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